What are Article Submission Websites?

It is an off-page SEO technique that involves writing an article and publishing it on a third-party website called Article Submission. They are one of the most secure methods for creating high-quality DoFollow backlinks pointing to your website or blog. It also helps to increase traffic and the value of domain authority.

It is also said to submit unique and high-quality content to article directories in order to obtain high authority and PageRank backlinks. You could quickly get some backlinks for your blog by submitting the articles to article directories.

Article submission is also a type of content marketing and a methodology in which you write articles about your business and then submit them to reputable article submission sites. Typically, in article submission, people write articles about online products.

The Benefits of Article Submission Websites

Companies today use a variety of techniques to boost website popularity and organic traffic. Emails, SEO, social media marketing, and other techniques are among the most common. The techniques used are determined by the type of audience that the company wishes to attract.

Content is the most important aspect of marketing for article sites regardless of the method you use. Because it is impossible to attract people’s attention without compelling content. As a result, improving the blog’s quality is critical, and article submission sites can help.

Here are some additional advantages of article submission websites:

  1. Free Internet Marketing: Most article submission websites allow you to include links to your blog within the article content. This way, you can promote your products using free marketing media. It would also assist you in obtaining more high-quality and authoritative links to your blogs.
  2. Increases Traffic: The links you include in the author bio box help to increase traffic to your website. When the article was published You can get high-quality conversion traffic to your blog if the website owner approves it. You can share or repost the content on various social media sites to gain more customers and viewers.
  3. Improves your company’s credibility: Article submission sites also allow you to describe yourself and your company in the author bio box at the bottom of the article’s body. You can use keywords and a detailed description to advertise your products. You can also include a link to your blog in this box.
  4. Generate leads and sales: Using article submission sites, you can quickly generate sales and leads for your blog.

The Benefits of Using Article Submission Sites

There are a few things that distinguish article submission sites, such as –

  1. Keywords: They are the heart of the content, and if used correctly, they can increase the reach of your website. Good keywords can help you extend the reach of your page.
  2. Matter: When writing, make sure the content is unique and innovative. People will wait for your content if it is creative and engaging, and your website traffic will undoubtedly increase.
  3. Publishing Medium: If you use good keywords and have good content, but the publishing medium is bad, it will all be for naught. Choose an excellent publishing page to ensure that your blog reaches the right audience and that your blog’s popularity grows.

How does the Article Submission process work?

Remember to follow all of the website’s terms and conditions when you submit your quality articles to article directories. There are a few things you should consider before submitting your content.

  • In the post, use high-resolution graphics or images.
  • Follow the policies of the website.
  • Include a few backlinks in your post.
  • Post original and fresh content.
  • Choose the appropriate category and tags.
  • Create a page title and description that is SEO-friendly.

How Do You Submit an Article to Article Submission Websites?

Submitting an article to article submission websites is a relatively simple process. Simply go to the website, look for the login page, and sign up. You can also log in through a third party because some article submission sites provide login options via Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, and so on. After you sign up, you can submit your article in the appropriate category.

Following the submission and approval of the article, the following steps must be taken.

As previously stated, the registration process for submitting an article is quite simple, but make sure to follow all of the guidelines. Once you have obtained permission from the specific article submission site, you can increase the visibility of your blog by taking a few steps.

  1. You can use the newly created backlinks from article submission sites to submit to search engine submission sites.
  2. You can message or contact the newly created backlinks to have them quickly indexed by various search engines.
  3. Bookmark your backlinks using various bookmarking sites and existing social media profiles to simplify the process of increasing blog visibility.
  4. It has been discovered that people prefer visual content to written content. As a result, numerous video submission websites have recently been launched that can assist you in converting the content into videos, which you can then submit to the website.

What are DoFollow Article Submission Websites?

These websites allow search engines to slither like a search engine to the same website where you get backlinks by following an external website’s link. Article Submission Websites also assist in increasing the visibility of your website/blog in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. There are numerous free High DA DoFollow article submission sites from which you can benefit.

What are High Domain Authority Article Submission Sites?

These websites have a high domain authority value as determined by Moz’s algorithm, which is based on security, traffic, backlinks, trust, age, and domain. If you can get a few backlinks from them, they can have a significant impact on your search ranking.

High DA websites can help increase the visibility of your web pages in search engine results pages. Even one backlink from a high DA article director will help you increase the domain’s authority and ranking in search engine result pages.

List of the Top 200+ Free Article Submission Sites (2022)

There are numerous free article submission sites, as well as some that charge a fee. Here are some of the best sites that have been created after extensive research

  1. Google Sites: As the name implies, it is from Google. It is a well-known website with a large user base due to its excellent work. With the help of this article submission site, you can do link-building, add content and substance to blogs, and all for free.
  2. Github.com: It is one of the best article submission sites, and it has an excellent rating. Users are pleased with this website because it has many useful features. People prefer this site over others because the articles published here usually receive a large audience.
  3. Ezinearticles.com: This website specialises in content promotion. Readers can find a wide range of content on this website read. As a result, this website is appropriate for both marketing activities and content promotion. Their audience is also large, and the best part is that it is free.
  4. iSnare.com: It is a press release platform that also allows for free articles. This is not a free site; they charge a small fee of $2 to publish content. They also assist the user in publishing content on over 2000 pages. The user has the option of getting article submissions at a lower cost as they purchase more credits.
  5. Myarticle.com: With My article, you can also publish the content online. It has numerous categories, so it provides ample space for recognising the user’s articles.
  6. Articlebiz.com: Readers and authors frequent this website. The above-mentioned site and Articlebiz are very similar. It has a large customer base and an exclusive database of articles.
  7. Goarticles.info: The main advantage of this website is that you can publish your content on a variety of websites. They have a database of articles divided into several categories.
  8. Storify.com: Another excellent free article submission site for creating and sharing blogs and stories. It offers its users a fantastic feature that allows them to combine multiple articles or focus on a single topic.

List of Other Article Submission Sites

Number DoFollow Article Submission Sites
1 articles.h1ad.com
2 story.wallclassifieds.com
3 article.classifiedsfactor.com
4 bloggersroad.com
5 seekingalpha.com
6 hubpages.com
7 ehow.com
8 biggerpockets.com
9 brighthub.com
10 zeenews.tech
7 abpnews.tech
8 articlesbase.com
9 articlecube.com
11 magportal.com
12 buzzle.com
13 examiner.com
14 squidoo.com
15 apsense.com
16 fortunetelleroracle.com
17 Thefreelibrary.com
18 Sooperarticles.com
19 Articlesfactory.com
20 Abilogic.com
21 articlespromoter.com
22 articleseen.com
23 warticles.com
24 articlesss.com
25 articlepole.com
26 articlesubmited.com
27 webpronews.com
28 sharehealthtips.com
29 idleexperts.com
30 jumparticles.com
31 articlecatalog.com
32 articlealley.com
33 articlesbd.com
34 evancarmichael.com
35 articleside.com
36 dreampirates.us
37 trickyenough.com
38 selfgrowth.com
39 prolinkdirectory.com
40 articlecity.com
41 netezinearticles.com
42 articles.abilogic.com
43 articlesforwebsite.com
44 bilalarticles.com
45 galoor.com
46 webmasterslibrary.com
47 articleslist.net
48 article1.co.uk
49 ourblogpost.com
50 articlecede.com
51 openarticles.com
52 uberarticles.com
53 otherarticles.com
54 awebcity.com
55 upublish.info
56 articlesnatch.com
57 howto-tips.com
58 articlebliss.com
59 realestateproarticles.com
60 articlicious.com
61 threadwatch.org
62 loudpages.com
63 writeupcafe.com
64 facearticle.com
65 ezinemark.com
66 myseoarticle.com
67 guestsposting.com
68 webwire.com
69 mazines.com
70 ghrankdirectory.com
71 articleted.com
72 articlegeek.com
73 streetarticles.com
74 marketmyarticle.com
75 guest-articles.com
76 articlization.com
77 articlebiz.com
78 github.com
79 articlerich.com
80 howtoadvice.com
81 blog.giganticlist.com
82 articleant.com
83 webproworld.com
84 articleclick.com
85 earticlesonline.com
86 homment.com
87 articleblast.com
88 articleslash.net
89 libervis.com
90 top7business.com
91 123articleonline.com
92 sheil.newsvine.com
93 andrey-cruz.livejournal.com
94 marketinginternetdirectory.com
95 knowpia.com
96 sitepromotiondirectory.com
97 a1articles.com
98 ganzok.com
99 articletrader.com
100 topsitenet.com
101 articlemonkeys.com
102 leasedadspace.com
103 yooarticles.net
104 goodinfohome.com
105 techmanik.com
106 bpubs.com
107 usalistingdirectory.com
108 upstartblogger.com
109 articlecell.com
110 businessseek.biz
111 go2article.com
112 learnloftblog.com
113 seoforums.me.uk
114 approvedarticles.com
115 dime-co.com
116 edarticle.com
117 weeno.com
118 onlinearticlessubmission.com
119 articlecompilation.com
120 gruks.com
121 searcharticles.net
122 bestezines.com
123 highrankdirectory.com
124 ukinternetdirectory.net
125 articledoctor.com
126 freesticky.com
127 simplysearch4it.com
128 traveltourismdirectory.net
129 informationbible.com
130 myarticle.com
131 easyarticles.com
132 populararticles.com
133 qwesz.com
134 bysharing.com
135 excellentguide.info
136 articlestars.com
137 netarticleshack.com
138 thepr.com.au
139 articles411.com
140 new-list.com
141 howitworks.net
142 ladypens.com
143 thecontentcorner.com
144 24by7articles.com
145 altegen.com
146 tongshu.net
147 foreverdoomed.com
148 velog.io
149 articlefree4all.com
150 zigyasu.com
151 submitanarticle.info
152 articlegold.com
153 afreearticle.com
154 articlejoe.com
155 datasoftsystem.com
156 ezine-articles-planet.com
157 yesarticles.com
158 articleclick.info
159 ezinearticles.org.uk
160 umumble.com
161 ezinepost.com
162 articlet.com
163 ezinehub.com
164 articlepool.info
165 expertarticles.com
166 articlesupport.com
167 thewhir.info
168 thehealthyvillage.com
169 article-diary.com
170 olmaweblinkdirectory.com
171 readezarchive.com
172 adarticles.net
173 articledesk.info
174 writeonwall.com
175 addmyarticles.com
176 articlerealm.com
177 accessinfohub.com
178 hubpages.info
179 postarticles.com
180 selfseo.info
181 writerspenarticledirectory.com
182 contentarticles.com
183 thetexasjobsource.com
184 101articles.com
185 smarticledirectory.com
186 articlesdir.org
187 sdcouncil.com
188 articlecontentking.com
189 articlekit.com
190 nehoiu.org
191 seosubmitarticle.com
192 thefreelibrary.info
193 wellnessarticlelibrary.com
194 e-topic.com
195 mymedicenter.com
196 acme-articles.com
197 jazzylook.com
198 allinclusivelinks.com
199 articleswale.com
200 wall2wallarticles.com
201 articlewale.com
202 freearticlestore.com
203 textiledegree.com
204 articleswarm.com

Want to know how these websites can help you create business opportunities and build customer relationships? Although these were some of the best article submission sites, simply submitting blog posts would not help you build relationships or followers. Building relationships with customers takes time, and it is only possible if you contribute to a site on a regular basis and share your knowledge.